This New Millenium

Thursday, March 05, 2009

Chimp Victim May Be Brain Damaged

This headline, which refers to the dreadful mauling of a woman by her neighbor's pet chimp, compels an eerie parallelism with the recently concluded Reign of the Torturer and its aftermath. Because yes, we have been immensely damaged, collectively and individually, by the chimp that occupied the WH for the last eight years. And if the concept "national brain" means anything, we can safely assume that it too has sustained horrendous damage.

This parallel continues in the body of the article:

Published: March 4, 2009
Filed at 8:39 p.m. ET

NEW HAVEN, Conn. (AP) -- A Connecticut woman mauled by a chimpanzee two weeks ago lost her hands, nose, lips and eyelids and may be blind and suffering brain damage, and hospital officials say it's still unclear if her condition can improve at all..

And it's similarly unclear that our nation will ever recover, physically, civically or financially.

The 200-pound chimp was shot and killed by police. Police are still deciding whether its owner, Sandra Herold, of Stamford, will face criminal charges.

Regrettably, the parallelism breaks down at this point.

Monday, November 03, 2008

The Democrat Kill
First in an Infinite Series
Chapter One: The Candidate Wasn't Nice

Player 1: Democratic Candidate Barack Obama
Player 2: Left Journalist Rachel Maddow

"I know you've been cruising for a bruising"

Yes, he did say that.

On MSogyNyBC, at that.

But I'm getting ahead of myself. So let's begin at the beginning.

The other day, Rachel Maddow sat down with "our" candidate for a chat. Let's review some highlights.

She starts with a question that's been on the minds of real Democrats coast to coast. Get a load of his answer.

RACHEL MADDOW, HOST: Senator, you criticize the Bush administration frequently. But, you almost never criticize the Republican Party itself. Other Democrats --


Especially note the snotty and supercilious look on his face as he delivers this arrogant and deliberately unfunny brushoff. Translation: "I don't have to give squat to Democrats, except the opportunity to vote for the One."

Swallowing her chagrin, Maddow begs again pretty please for a smidgen of partisan love:

MADDOW: Well, yes, actually. I mean, other Democrats, you will hear them talk about the GOP as the party that's been wrong on all the big stuff. Creating Social Security, civil rights, the War in Iraq. But, you don't really do that. Do you think there is a stark difference between the parties?

OBAMA: Well, I do think there's a difference between the parties, but here's my belief. That I'm talking to voters. And I think they're a lot of Republican voters out there, self-identified, who actually think that what the Bush administration has done, has been damaging to the country.

Sorry Rachel, but the O man is just too busy to converse with the base, much less promise anything to it. Maddow recounts some of the insults McCain has unloaded on Obama in paritular and Democrats in general, and then gamely if servilely pleads once more for just a little R E S P E C T:

MADDOW: That's not just an anti-Barack Obama script.


MADDOW: That is -- he's reading from an anti-Democrat, and specifically an anti-liberal stance.

OBAMA: Absolutely.

MADDOW: And so, you have the opportunity to say John McCain, George Bush, you're wrong. You also have the opportunity to say, conservatism has been bad for America. But, you haven't gone there either.

OBAMA: I tell you what though, Rachel. You notice, I think we're winning right now so --


Whaddya mean WE, asshole? You have the nerve to laugh right in our faces and then talk about WE?

But the worst, and strangest, is yet to come. Obama delivers one of the strangest remarks I've ever heard uttered in the context of a purportedly professional and friendly TV interview:

OBAMA: Maybe I'm doing something right. I know you've been cruising for a bruising for a while here, looking for a fight out there. But, I just think people are tired of that kind of back and forth, tit for tat, ideological approach to the problems.

"you've been cruising for a bruising for a while here" WHAT??? Is that normal discourse in this setting? I've never seen it. It sounds like a personal threat, surrounded by just enough vagueness to provide a cloak of plausible deniability. Feel free to chastise me for saying so, but seeing that left a VERY bad taste.

So here's my question to anyone: If the Democratic base can't even get an attitude of basic respect, much less even a pretense of vague promises, from its candidate WHILE HE'S RUNNING FOR OFFICE, what makes you thinks we'll get even a TRACE of policy satisfaction once he's safely inaugurated? Bueller? Anyone?

Saturday, May 20, 2006

Why is this man laughing?

Check this clip at and judge for yourself.

To see the thing in the White House guffaw at his 29% approval rating is to be fearful and baffled, since no normal politician or even normal human being would react that way to such sweeping disapproval. So I had to wonder why.

And with the feverish clarity that comes to the casually dispossessed, the answer came: He's laughing at the 70% of us who can't stand him.

He's laughing because he stole office twice and no one of any import ever said much less did anything about it. He's laughing about the inside job he and his cronies pulled off on 9-11.

He's laughing about the dead American soldiers piled up in Iraq. He's laughing at their mothers and fathers and sisters and brothers.

He's laughing about the torture. He's laughing about the anthrax he had his junta unload on Democratic congressional leaders and disobedient journalists.

He's laughing about the counterfeit job and economic stats his filthy crew of lying functionaries injects into our media day after day. He's laughing about the trillions of dollars stolen from the treasury and given to his friends and their shell corporations.

And he's laughing about the 32 months of hell his regime has left to unleash on this nation and the world.

And best of all, he's laughing at the thought of the scarred, fouled and bloodied shambles of a globe that will be left to the rest of us.