Thursday, March 05, 2009

Chimp Victim May Be Brain Damaged

This headline, which refers to the dreadful mauling of a woman by her neighbor's pet chimp, compels an eerie parallelism with the recently concluded Reign of the Torturer and its aftermath. Because yes, we have been immensely damaged, collectively and individually, by the chimp that occupied the WH for the last eight years. And if the concept "national brain" means anything, we can safely assume that it too has sustained horrendous damage.

This parallel continues in the body of the article:

Published: March 4, 2009
Filed at 8:39 p.m. ET

NEW HAVEN, Conn. (AP) -- A Connecticut woman mauled by a chimpanzee two weeks ago lost her hands, nose, lips and eyelids and may be blind and suffering brain damage, and hospital officials say it's still unclear if her condition can improve at all..

And it's similarly unclear that our nation will ever recover, physically, civically or financially.

The 200-pound chimp was shot and killed by police. Police are still deciding whether its owner, Sandra Herold, of Stamford, will face criminal charges.

Regrettably, the parallelism breaks down at this point.


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